
April 21, 2020

Ok I couldn't resist and I've quit a job that pays an amazing salary to roll the dice again on some hair-brained ideas. It's been a few years since I did something entrepreneurial and the bug just never goes away.

I'm no stranger to kinda niche projects, from custom leather jackets, creating a brand of hand warmers for gamers, a site for /r/mfa to share what they're wearing, the ZATech Slack group and so many more. But none of them have reached an escape velocity and with the exception of the slack group have all been sunset.

Currently all I have in the way of a plan is to explore 3 ideas in the same parent niche:

  1. A tool for Counter Strike coaches / analysts for reviewing demos as text: I'm already quite far down the road on having a semi-usable POC for this and posted on Reddit about it twice (1, 2). There's a bit of content I have to fill in but mostly the hard thing here is getting in touch with coaches/analysts and talking to them about if this is at all useful, and what their current workflow looks like.

  2. Site that collates/aggregates all the utility that people have found / use and hopefully surface content around it from YouTube creators. There's a lot of this content out there - but there isn't a structured db for it.

  3. I want to learn more about Amazon Merch and if having a quick turn around from meme culture to products being available to buy would be interesting or not.